We are having a break for approximately 2 weeks from the 2nd January, and will send off orders upon in our return

Wow... what a year so far!

September 28, 2018

Alister and I

We started this year with a rush to finalise requests from late last year.. and it's been full steam ahead ever since.  

I had a great Grandson!  The most gorgeous little man there is is, and I am not biased - much! We have matching chins. 

We have been extra busy the last few weeks. we went over to Adelaide for the fantastic Australian Machine Quilters Festival and the weather was perfect. Had some excellent classes on using my longarm and spent lots of time catching up with Facebook friends and other longarmers. 

We couldn't catch up with ricky tims on the Wednesday there in Adelaide, so we made the dash to Geelong and I went to his class just last Wednesday. Excellent class and the main things I think I will take away from this is to finish the UFO's I have... and some "rules" are made for breaking.  My biggest thrill was seeing Ricky's quilt Bohemian Rhapsody as it is!  Beautiful.  

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