Hi all, we apologize in advance if any orders are late. We are unable to post any new orders from 20th March until the 31st March. They will have priority when we return.

Postage, Payment, Returns and Copyright

Shipping, Payment and Returns Policy... updated January 2022
By placing an order with A1 Craft and Quilting, the customer acknowledges and accepts the below Terms and Conditions.
Payment Options
When you order online you agree to pay the stated price for that product. All prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of GST.
We accept online payment by PAYPAL, or you may phone with your order and pay via our EFTPOS credit card terminal.
On agreement, cheque or direct deposit may be paid. Call 0438877664 to arrange this or email admin@a1craftandquilting.com.au for further details.
All orders must be paid for at time of purchase and dispatched with 24 hours of receiving payment if the item is in stock.  We manufacture dies on site, so it may take a bit longer depending on demand. 
We reserve the right to not fulfil certain purchase orders and will refund any moneys paid. 
All postage within Australia is by Australia Post. If you require Express Post - please contact us. Any extra cost will be invoiced.
Shipping Costs
Postage is calculated by value and weight, endeavouring to achieve a fair postage cost. We subsidize most postage.
Our free post items, will automatically not generate a postage rate. 
Average cost of postage ranges between $5 and $16.00 (local postage only) with free postage over $200 of goods within Australia.  This does not apply for international sales.  Overseas customers can also estimate their postage, and if the website says we do not ship to your area, (this is usually because your order is too heavy for the estimater) please contact us and we can usually get a better shipping price for bulk amounts.  
There is a postage calculator on the checkout page where you may estimate your postage charges before completing your order. We repay any over-payment of postage if, on packing, we feel we can post an item cheaper.
If there is an item out of stock, we will contact you and keep you informed of the estimated time of arrival. If you have ordered multiple items and, say, one Item is out of stock, we will hold your initial order, adding the back-ordered item and posting everything together.  This may cause a delay of a day or two depending on manufacturing priorities. For example, if an Alphabet die is not in stock, it may add an extra few days to your order being posted as it is such a complex die. 
Refunds and Returns
Returns will be accepted if the Product is faulty or different from how it was described or shown. Items cannot be exchanged for any other reason, or in certain cases, after calling 0438877664.
We would appreciate if you called (0438877664) or emailled Norma on norma@a1craftandquilting.com.au prior to returning goods to ensure we have a replacement ready to send. We pride ourselves on the level of customer service we have provided over the years and will continue to do so. 
Copyright, also known as Angel Policy
Blue Wren Notions (collectively using "we" "us" "our" (A1 Craft and Quilting), welcomes crafters who would like to use our various lines of die design images that we own and have designed, (collectively known as die images), in their own hand-made craftwork to which they have personally made a tangible, substantial, creative contribution and that they produce to sell. Therefore, unless otherwise indicated in writing, we give permission in the form of a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable license to use any Die Images that you have purchased or currently own for the purpose of creating die cuts for personal use or for sale, under the following criteria:
  1. Each Craftwork created for sale must be personally and individually hand-made into a tangible medium by the selling artist and may not be reproduced, copied, imitated, or materially altered in any form by any means, graphic, electronic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying. Mass production, assembly-line construction, production by workers for hire, packaging the Die Image shapes "as is," without a substantial creative contribution by you, or syndication of Craftwork for sale is strictly prohibited. This Policy does not allow the resale of clean die cuts using our dies. 
    • Notwithstanding the limitations in Section 1 above, you may package and sell Blue Wren Notions created Die Images of simple, geometric shapes "as is" (circles, squares, triangles, etc) as they are not copyrightable. However, animals, "magic" dies and unique shapes drawn up by Blue Wren Notions in order to make a usable cutting die are copyrighted, and therefore not to be on-sold as loose die cuts. 
    • As set forth in Section 1 above, you may not sell, "as-is" third-party Die Images on the Internet; except that you may use them as a component within hand-made craftworks so long as you attribute the Die Image to the proprietary rights owner as set forth in Section 2 below.
  2. The Die Images are proprietary and/or copyrighted by their respective owners, Norma P. Grimmer and Edward R. Grimmer of Blue Wren Notions and Crow Craft Laser. in the case of anything other than geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles etc) as stated above, which means that they may not be copied without permission.